نمایشگاه بین المللی تسالونیکی 2025
صفحه | www.thessalonikifair.gr
The 88th TIF, 7-15 September. A "comprehensive" report! 1300 exhibitors on 32,000 sq.m. 221 375 visitors/1000+ business meetings. Next Event89th TIF, 6-14 September 2025. Official Sponsors - Providers | HELEXPO. This site uses cookies to improve your experience.
The 88th International Exhibition of Thessaloniki was a huge success. The 88th International Exhibition of Thessaloniki set the bar high for its organization, with a message of development for Greece and international collaborations.
The 86th TIF will see the institution of the Honoured Country make a comeback, as the United Arab Emirates prepare to stamp their mark on the event this year from 10-18 September.
بازگشت با صدای بلند، با بیش از 900 غرفهدار، انبوهی از رویدادهای موضوعی، کنسرتها، همه حول محور «یونان: گذشته-حال-آینده». هشتاد و پنجمین TIF که از 85 تا 11 شهریور برگزار می شود، بازگشته است.
The 88th Thessaloniki International Fair was the most successful TIF ever, attracting 221375 visitors between September 7 and 15.
Germany, the Honoured Country, has 135 exhibitors and more than 1300 exhibitors on 32,000 square metres of exhibition space.
At the Honoured Country Pavilion, you can see all aspects of German industry and economy.
Germany participated under the slogan "Made in Germany". A German delegation met the administration of TIF-HELEXPO.
بسیاری از جلسات تجاری و تجاری بین شرکت های یونانی و بلغاری. پاسخ 123 864 بازدیدکننده به تماس TIF-HELEXPO.
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